Saturday, September 20, 2014

1 to go!

I'm up early so blog time it is.  I'm up early but I forget I'm going to bed at 930 so waking at 6 is a decent sleep.  This is when I miss being in my apt as Simba would wake with me. My sweet boy he is.

Friday came and went and now I have 1 radiation left on Moday and my surgeon visit.  Words cannot express how I hope Monday goes.  Of course I'm prepared for the boost but obviously don't want it.  Whatever my surgeon says but my fingers are crossed enough has happened over these 5 weeks that I'll be given the green light!

This weekend I have a visit and a babysit.  Difference is mom is here for visit and out for babysit. Erynn will be my sitter Sunday night when my folks are out for some fun with friends.  I just can't be alone that long yet.  They will be home in time for tucking in though lol 

My anxiety and exhaustion have been high the past couple days. I think the unknowing and the "I'm so done" feelings are really showing.  The driving, the exhaustion, the uncomfortableness....just everything is hitting me like a brick house.  I need this chapter to end.  I need to heel.  Even if the boost is ordered it's just one more week right....right lol but it will be ok, I'll get through it.

I ordered a new bag and sweater online that came yesterday so that made me feel better.  Have a great weekend y'all. Till we meet again Monday!





  1. Just keep swimming ������ any luck researching ways to help ease the anxiety? Maybe cancer support groups, books, other blogs? ����

  2. I've got a pill that helps balance me out & breathing. I think come Monday I'll be better knowing my fate. Too weak to hold books long time but am reading some related cancer stuff

  3. I will be saying prayers all week for you from the Kootenays. My reception is not great on the road but I will be in the hotel every night where reception is great so keep on calling and texting anytime ok! I truly believe you are killing this and truly a champ! Xoxo


Hello everyone.  I wanted to do a final entry and inform you of the new way I'll be blogging moving forward.  I just realized that today...