Thursday, August 21, 2014

Wheel me out!

The last 2 days have had one thing in common. A wheelchair.  

Wednesday we had a family BBQ at the yacht club for the visiting cousins.  Since the festivities were held on the break water there was no way I could walk the dock.  It would have been painful & long.  Instead dad had a wheelchair ready and although I was not so keen at first, it was a good decision.  I was glad I decided to go because I got to see so many amazing people.  Family from Africa and Canada and other loved ones all in one spot, I was feeling lucky.  Come 9pm I was ready to go.  Was physically and emotionally done.

I wake up today feeling good.  Slept pretty well, pain not too bad.  Today was blood work, chemo dr visit and then radiation.  I have my smoothie and meds and off we go to the clinic for 10am.  I'm nervous about the blood work.  I did have blood drawn 2 weeks ago but that was pre-treatment and some medications.  I did ok that day I just didn't look so that was my plan again.  They call me and off I go.  Woman tells me to breathe & I look the other way.  As long as I don't look...we'll not so much. 

I totally passed out or fainted.  I woke up somewhat delirious not knowing where I was or who I was. I swear I was saying I was some celebrity lol. Mom told me the ERT team (emergency response team) was paged and came in to tend to me.  I was whisked in to a wheelchair and a little room for a check over. Gingerale, cold cloths, blood name it.  I sat in the little room in the wheelchair for a bit. I was so weak, I couldn't believe it.  Hot sweats, cold sweats and total exhaustion.  I definitely put myself through the fainting ringer today.  I didn't even look though... I just remember saying I'm feeling lightheaded!

Mom pushes me in the wheelchair for the rest of the day.  We ask the chemo dr some questions and got the radiation earlier than planned since I was in rough shape.  As soon as we could leave we did.  Straight home to a bed and a bath hoping to feel better.  If I could only be so lucky.  After arriving home feeling generally weak I struggled with nausea.  I'm now just starting to feel good enough to sit up & write.  It was a tough day.

Tomorrow is day 5 of 25... One step closer to this stage of my journey coming to a close.  No where near over but one step closer to final surgery & a better year in 2015!





  1. Happy Day 5. Congratulations on our first week of treatment and road to recovery. Proud to be your Auntie and love your tenacity and practical side. Give yourself a break, rest, EAT WELL. Keep the pink lips. ox Auntie Shell

  2. Oopsy I meant YOUR first week. Although am right by your side in spirit so could be our….


Hello everyone.  I wanted to do a final entry and inform you of the new way I'll be blogging moving forward.  I just realized that today...