I'm grateful for so many things in this crappy scenario. I'm grateful that my pain was diagnosed, I'm grateful for the doctors and nurses, I'm grateful for family and friends, I'm grateful for meeting new friends on this journey, I'm grateful for feeling good today.
I'm not one of those people who's life is now "beginning" because of illness nor someone who uses it as a crutch. I decided on day 1 that I would only let this be a way to self-improve or motivate myself and others. I often hear "Oh Carly you're so strong" and I think to reply "what you want me to check in to the looney bin or something?" I know people say that with such good intentions but it makes me laugh but really what should they say.."glad you aren't depressed crying all day" LOL
I remind myself every day that there are people going through way worse than me. I see these people at the Cancer Clinic and that's all I need to stay in check. I'm not trying to sugar-coat my illness in any way..it sucks...I've hit walls I never knew were up...but you can't stay down.
I've just completed 5 of 25 days of chemo and radiation. If all goes well I won't need "a boost" (additional treatments) and in late fall surgery will happen. What surgery will be is still TBD pending how I respond to treatment. Regardless it's going to be a minimum recovery of 6-8 weeks.
Have you seen the movie Zoolander starring Ben Stiller? If you haven't this will make no sense to you and maybe you should watch it because it's really funny. The scene where he looks in the puddle and says "Who Am I?" I pretty much say that daily ha ha ha
Peace Out week 1, can't say I'm sad to say goodbye, but I can say you taught me a lot and I'll be ready for week 2!
Here you come, Day 6. Proud of you. ox