Monday, August 18, 2014


Good evening my fellow cray cray followers.  Tonight's blog is intented for adult audiences only.  It may contain foul language and inappropriate-ness!

FUCK YoU CANCER!!!!  Day 1 you tricked me with my feeling "ok" till 7pm.  Seeing how I felt "ok", I thought I'd relax in a bath.  Now I hate baths...  well maybe not, but it hit me hard & I was out of that tub faster than Kesler learned to spell Anaheim!

Yes I'm a joker but tonight was no joke.  Unless you've had chemo I don't think I can explain to you the feeling.  Your stomach in knots, getting the sweats (Ew!), crying to your mommy and more.  If this is what chemo day 1 is like, I dread my 2nd dose.  I expect it'll get more routine but it'll still suck regardless.

Now let's talk radiation.  It's pretty cool how this machine works.  I'll take a picture of it tomorrow, but it's like a massive kitchen mixer that rotates around you.  The table lifts up like a hair dresser chair,  so the machine has enough room to go around and radiate. I kinda felt like I was the holy sacrifice in a way.  Long table, white sheet and this thing lining me up with red laser beams.  The actual radiation process is short. I was in and out in 25 mins and that was with my consultation .  I felt nothing at the time.  Now along with the chemo side effects I'm feeling a burning like sensation.  It comes and goes but the 2 together I'm a total hot (literally) mess.

I'm doing my best to communicate with you on Instagram and Facebook, but this will need to settle down.  My phone is "lighting" up and it's so hard for me to not respond.  I should turn it off but I appreciate y'all's support so can't ignore you.  Please know I love being in your thoughts but will not be able to respond quickly.  Use this blog and my Instagram as ways of hearing from me.  I will reach out to you when in need and I will reach out when I feel better.

PS A single grape just gave me a cramp...yup sucks!





  1. Aww that sucks Carly! I hope u feel better real soon. Positive thoughts your way...


  2. Hey Carly. Keep on soldiering through this think of the burning as the cancer being zapped out of your body. Visualize the xNcer being removed in chemo and radiation. Your mind is an amazing thing. Mind over matter. Drink your chamomile tea to help your tummy. Let me know if u need a sleep over partner or anything. We are all rooting for you! Sending love from the Gunthers and the Thomsons

  3. I can't even imagine how that must feel but remember that it's the first step to a healthy you. For the upset stomach, maybe try some ginger tea but you might want to ask the doctor first to see if it is ok ( I drink it all the soothes the stomach and the nerves). Also, I read on google that Sea Bands might also work...found at all drugstores (they say to put them on before your chemo treatment). Anything to stop the nausea. As for the hot mess, maybe try a cold damp washcloth (works for hot flashes). Much love sent your way!


  4. Take care of yourself. It's okay to put the phone down. We will all be here when you turn it back on ����


Hello everyone.  I wanted to do a final entry and inform you of the new way I'll be blogging moving forward.  I just realized that today...