Thursday, January 1, 2015

4 days in

Coming to ya live from VGH this is your Captain speaking, your Cancer Captain that is.  When on board flight 4C-4310 please know all exits and nurse stations to make this hydromorphone flight that much more enjoyable! Top drawer has some sweets and of course a corner window seat is available for all layover passengers.  

It's been 4 days since I boarded this flight and it looks like there's some turbulence ahead but a soft landing in the end.  Tomorrow (Fri) I will be admitted in to the operating room under general anesthetic for a procedure called debridement, a removal of infected tissue.  Let's call it a tune up shall we, sounds much better!  I expect after I wake from my tune up I'll be slightly tired and need some more rest in my first class cabin.  We'll see what my doctors have to say tomorrow but I expect to be here until at least Sunday recovering and ensuring the infection is gone.

I've had so many passengers on my flight and should have charged a fare hahahaha. Uncles, aunts, cousins, best friends and coworkers have all come to see me and have kept me cheerful and entertained.  They brought with them many tasty sweets and I thank you but going forward ask for no more as my tummy can't handle all the goodness at such a high flight level.

The nurses have been truly amazing and seem to like my humour and understand to close my room door at all times so I only ride my flight and not other patients flights who seem to have way more turbulence. 

It's now 2015 and time has sure flown by since my diagnosis.  I can't say 2015 will be the best year ever, but I can say it's almost the end of my flight and I'm looking forward to landing. 

Happy New Year everyone!




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Hello everyone.  I wanted to do a final entry and inform you of the new way I'll be blogging moving forward.  I just realized that today...