Thursday, May 21, 2015

Late or early?

It's 330am.  I call this late night but for some it's early morning. It's sunrise to my friends & family back East, but for me it's late & I hope to grab some shut eye before the sun peeks through my blinds & pale pink curtains.  I haven't taken or filled any sleeping medications in quite some time, but just found myself sitting on my bathroom floor looking through drawers & pill bottles in hopes of help.

When I can't fall asleep I find writing a great escape and therapy.  As much as I love Simba he struggles staying up late with me and migrates to the couch & let's be real...he's a cat. Although such habits are often echoed in conversations with my friends about their husbands, Simba doesn't snore but he does drool!  Here's hoping by the time I finish writing this blog I'll have found some clarity & that this pill kicks in so I can sleep through the sunlight. 

I know I'm struggling with a few things right now, so reached out and spending Thursday night with a bestie.  Her husband and son are setting off for the weekend leaving her home alone with her newborn daughter. I'm thinking we both could use someone to talk with, and to add icing onto the imaginary angel food cake, she's also my hair stylist so a new doo will come about. The doo will most likely reveal itself when I sit in the magic chair.  

In no actual way have I been deserted in this journey but this last while it's how I felt.  As much as I understand the why's I don't like it.  I'm the one with an irregular life right now, not my friends & family, but with that comes so much loneliness. I just want someone to come sit and talk with me about what's new with their lives or favourite TV shows..honestly anything.  Someone to come and sit at the beach with me for a few hours or one of the many other options. me some FT, just warn me so I'll have lipstick on LOL

I must be honest and say this is the roughest emotionally I've been since the day I was diagnosed.  As much as I'd like to say I can continue to battle through Cancer & Crohn's alone I just can't.  My next PET scan isn't scheduled until June 24. This is a follow up to my March scan to hopefully (knock on wood) say no cancer is showing & I'm still cancer free. Back to the alone comment, I'm not alone. My family lives next door & 5 floors up, but think we get tired of singing Kumbaya together....well not literally, but you get my drift.  I know y'all are there for me but you're not mind readers I just have to ask for help. 

So I'd like to officially open a casting call for PWLC..people who love Carly.  PWLC is this years hit coming to ya live from Springs Blvd!  What role would you like?! Maybe a telephone caller, a visitor, a movie date, dinner date, person to hit golf balls with or maybe even sleepover girl.  Perhaps a cute date with kids via FaceTime.  The opportunities are endless and have no doubt these roles will be taken on with passion & grace. When I'm able to come to you I will, but not every day is a travel day.  Turbulence is more than likely on Air Carly.  

See this writing does work, I'm already feeling less alone and I haven't even heard from you or seen you yet. I'm just confident you'll hear my casting call and be the best at what ever role you choose you have time for.  First & foremost you are my friend and I thank you. I've got your back too whenever you need me.




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Hello everyone.  I wanted to do a final entry and inform you of the new way I'll be blogging moving forward.  I just realized that today...