Monday, July 28, 2014

Home sweet home!

After 3 days of recovery at mom & dad's,  I'm back at my apartment with my fur babies. As always Simba can't get enough of me & Nalla could care less. Thanks to my friend Cindy for checking on them the last few days & the many days to come. 

Today I became more hip & up on the latest by receiving an iPad from my angelic cousins. It was so unexpected & so appreciated my glasses fogged from all the tears of love & joy. It's so easy to type especially with a healing lymph node & easier to take from A to B than my laptop. Now to bling it up with a cool case!

Tomorrow my aunt Karen (known as AK) & I are off to my chemo learning clinic. About 1.5 hours of learning all about how it happens to how I'll feel.  I'll only be receiving chemo once a week so side effects won't be as harsh as many other patients go through. I won't lose my hair but was never afraid to as I secretly hoped curly-curls would grow back LOL 

AK will drive me back to my folks Tuesday & Wednesday AM mom & I head to my radiation mapping.  I'm curious to see what these mapping tattoos look like. They'll blend in to my freckles & moles I'm sure. I'll then have another CT scan & get to hear that awesome computer voice again ha ha ha. I expect to find out when my treatment will start but I'm guessing August 5th. 

The rest of the week I'll be able to chill. Perhaps a pedicure & for sure some highlites!!

Thank you to everyone who has visited, called, wrote or any way supported me these last 3 weeks. You're amazing people & I'm lucky to have such supportive people in my life! 





  1. Not to worry, Nalla loves you in her own special way - you know cats! Sounds like a busy week, and I know you will have fun with that new iPad of yours! do you know that spell check even fixes iPad when you spell it without the capital "P"? Now if only Apple and Adobe Flash could get along…..keep smiling…love ya,

  2. Hope everything went well during "Chemo 101" at the clinic! How did the tattoos work out? You never know - maybe you'll catch the bug and want more when you're all done treatment! When you're ready, let me know - I know a guy, or two, that do great work ;)


Hello everyone.  I wanted to do a final entry and inform you of the new way I'll be blogging moving forward.  I just realized that today...