Sunday, October 5, 2014

Missing mom

Mom's only been away since Friday, so 3 days & it feels like a week.  Gosh I miss her.  My dad is a great man and loves me very much but he doesn't quite fit the bill!  

If you know my dad, you know he's a softy, he's a great dad and friend but not the best around the house.  He's shown me this more in 3 days than my 39 years of life.  Let the stories begin.......

We decided to have pasta & ground turkey for dinner on Friday and although Amber & I offered to get groceries he was on the case.  I texted him that afternoon saying we needed a sauce for the pasta.  He replied he had one that looks intriguing.  I should have known then we we're in trouble.  Dad arrives home with groceries in hand and with pure excitement shows us the sauce.  It's sauce all sauce!  My hands hit my face and Amber cracks up laughing.  Dad and Amber jumped in the truck back to the grocery store for real pasta sauce and Amber also got some garlic bread.  Amber cooked dinner but with dad chirping away in the living room about how she was cooking it.  All I could do was laugh.  Either that or strangle myself or him!  Apparently when I said sauce it wasn't specific enough, I should have said pasta sauce.  Oh my word lol

While Amber was here dad offered her more leftovers than drinks.  "Would you like a left over patty from lunch today" he said.  I just about fell over.  Or trying to save the pasta noodles in the Tupperware that were 4 days old.  Amber told him that pasta costs next to nothing and to relax.  Total priceless entertaining moments.  

So here we are on day 3 of 10 & I see progress.  He took my shopping list of what I'm able to eat vs his creative side telling me what to eat and just brought me some pasta in bed as I'm typing this blog.  He has hope yet.  But I love him so that's all that matters but he just needs to stick to my cancer routine.  

I had a lovely time with Amber but even though we really didn't do much it was hard for me.  In some ways I feel so good and others so bad.  Unfortunately the bad takes control so I need to get it under control and that takes more time.  More bed rest, staying calm and eating little bits throughout the day.  What I can eat is very limited so it gets boring but I have to stick to it.  It's great I've lost 13lbs but 7 of those were in one week.  The first week after treatment.  I need to stay heathy, whatever that is, during this crazy illness.

I have had a positive come out of this nastiness. Since my diagnosis in July I unknowingly stopped bitting my nails.  Only 2x in the last 5 years have I done this.  When my pops died and now.  So my new obsession is, you guessed it, my nails.  A new colour every few days. Wish I had thought to bring my colours from home as I have many but next time I go there I'll grab them.  I'm using moms but she has mostly pinks.  I kinda feel like painting them black or purple.  Just different than the norm.  A trip to shoppers could be in my future.

Today is Sunday and that means Football.  Think I'll lay on the couch with dad in his chair and we'll talk statistics. We've been watching the baseball too. Some crazy long games. Go Kansas City!  I know more about sports than most men and I credit that to my dad.  Since I was around 5 we went to Canucks and Lions games.  He taught me the plays and to yell "you bums" at the refs.  Anyone who ever comes to a game with me now must love the game. I don't take anyone just for a night out, it's business!

Well Football and nail polish are calling so I better go.  Lots of love to everyone!





  1. Helllloooo Carly. Lovely fun blog. I miss your mom too - for very different reasons of course…Keep on trucking, get the routine "groove" on and each day will become better. I truly believe that. Yes your dad sure does love you - and we love him. See you tomorrow. AS

  2. Your dad is awesome, great post!



Hello everyone.  I wanted to do a final entry and inform you of the new way I'll be blogging moving forward.  I just realized that today...